Talks & Workshops
Chantal presents illustrated talks and workshops on psychological alchemy from an artist's perspective.
With a focus on exploring symbolic archetypal motifs such as "The Vessel", "The Night Sea Journey", and "The Toad" she looks at how we can become more aware of this language of the unconscious and integrate it into our lives.
Her talks journey through the imagery of ancient alchemical manuscripts, mythology, modern art, as well as synchronistic stories from her own life and artistic practice.
Past talks/workshops venues have included the Wellcome Collection, London; The Lightbox Museum, Woking; Weymouth College creative art students; and Guildhall Art Gallery for Museums at Night.
Please get in touch if you are interested in a talk for your organisation or personal group.
Ascent and Decent of the Psyche - An Alchemical Dance (Online lecture - Feb 2023)
This online lecture journeyed into the alchemical process of Circulatio and its corresponding movements of ascent and descent in the Psyche. Illustrated throughout with images from alchemical manuscripts, artwork and archetypal symbols from other sources. Excerpts below.
A salon presentation to a private group at a curator's home as part of The Ainalaiyn Space Learning Programme (2023)

“Your talk opened up a whole new way of relating and approaching the symbols that have been coming to me”
“Thank you for inspiring me to become “whole” and embrace an alchemical dance of my psyche’s opposites.”
“Amazing talk! Soooo interesting! Loved the language of the birds reference and the toads too. My daughter said – that was such a cool story”
“Much like the alchemy you research, your lecture beautifully blended the theory with historical imagery and your own practice, so as someone who really enjoys working with theory, it was enlightening both in its content and your methodology. “
Panel Discussions and "In Conversations"
Chantal has spoken at panel discussions, "in conversation" events and more
Some examples include:
- In Conversation with Lehmann Maupin artist Dominic Chambers for Jung Archademy (watch here)
- In Conversation with artist Guy Foster at Exeter Phoenix Gallery
- Panel speaker for ACAVA Talks 2024 spring programme - a series of professional development events for creative practitioners
- Interviewed author and psychotherapist Dr Thom Cavalli for Jung Archademy (watch here)
- Guest speaker on LiveOutLoud by Axisweb

Please get in touch for future collaborations